


作者:文章来源:江城足球网发布日期:2020-10-25 01:04:45

Of all the characters in the Harry Potter universe, Severus Snape may be the most intriguing. He starts off as a cruel professor, one who makes the Boy Who Lived's time at Hogwarts miserable from the start. He then murders Albus Dumbledore, in a twist that left fans reeling. But, by the end, it was revealed he was a good guy and a character with immeasurable depth and intrigue, so much so he probably deserves a standalone book (one day).


The movies did a good job with Snape, with the late Alan Rickman shining in the role. But not every piece of information about the Potions Master made it onto the big screen.

电影在斯内普的角色处理上做得很好,由Alan Rickman出演了角色。但是,并不是有关魔药大师的每条信息都被显示在大屏幕上。


He Was King Of The Dark Arts At School


In The Order of the Phoenix movie, fans get a glimpse into Snape's past. Harry uses a shield charm on his professor and sees a moment where his father James and close friends Sirius Black, Remus Lupin and Peter Pettigrew all gang up on the future Potions Master, humiliating him by dangling him from his ankles. James even proposes removing Snape's trousers, just for extra insult.

在“ 凤凰社”电影中,粉丝可以窥见斯内普的过去。哈利对他的教授使用了盔甲护身咒,看到了斯内普回忆中的一瞬,那时哈利的父亲詹姆斯和他的密友小天狼星布莱克,莱姆斯·卢平和彼得·佩蒂格鲁都对未来的魔药大师大加指责,从脚踝把他吊起来羞辱。詹姆斯甚至建议扒掉斯内普的裤子,只是为了进一步羞辱取乐。

But Sirius, in The Goblet of Fire book, delves a little deeper. He claims that Snape, as a student, knew more Dark Arts spells than anybody else at the school, hence why they were so ruthless towards him. That said, it still doesn't excuse the bullying and it's no surprise that Snape found himself cozying up to Lord Voldemort once he leaves the castle behind.



James Saved Snape's Life


James, Sirius, Remus and Peter nicknamed themselves 'The Marauders.' Somewhat bafflingly, The Prisoner of Azkaban movie doesn't touch too much on this. But the book of the same name does and, in it, it's revealed that James actually saved Snape's life during their time at Hogwarts.


Sirius tricked Snape into trying to enter the Whomping Willow, where he encountered Lupin transformed into a werewolf. When James gets wind of this, he then intervenes and saves his Slytherin rival from a horrible fate. This is to save his own skin more than anything but it's good of him, nonetheless.



Snape Overheard The Prophecy


The Prophecy is another thing that the movie doesn't delve too deep into. Once again, however, the details are greater in the source material than they are on the big screen.


Harry finds out in The Half-Blood Prince novel that Snape overheard the prophecy being created during his younger years. He eavesdropped on Professor Dumbledore's job interview with Sybill Trelawney at the Hog's Head, but was then caught by Aberforth Dumbledore, who chucked him out. Snape relayed what he'd heard to Voldemort, who then decided to go after Harry and his parents. Had he stayed around and heard the full thing, the Dark Lord could have tried to wipe out Neville Longbottom instead.



Snape Forced Lupin To Resign


Lupin is the best Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher Harry has during his time at Hogwarts. He's kind, teaches him how to deal with Dementors, and offers him a good insight into what his father was like, given that they were both close friends during their time at the castle. Unfortunately, fans of The Prisoner of Azkaban see him resign - with little reason why.

标签: 西弗勒斯·斯内普 莱姆斯·卢平 小天狼星 哈利·波特 詹姆斯 sirius
